How to choose email marketing software
How to choose email marketing software

It works as both branding and an anti-spam attention-getter, letting subscribers know this isn’t just a regular old email we’re talking about – it’s a sleek, carefully delivered message which abides by email marketing standards. Quite a few entry-level ESPs add their own badge or a “powered by” banner to the footer of all emails sent. This seems obvious, but it’s easily overlooked if you’re just starting out. When you receive their first email, scroll down and… If you haven’t subscribed to your dream company’s newsletter (come on, what kind of fan are you anyway?), make sure to do so now. If you love how they work, there is a pretty good chance you’ll also love the ESP they’ve chosen.Īnd lucky you, I’m here to help you track it down! How should you go about it then? It’s all well and good that you get to know how Amazon, Sony or the American Marketing Association deliver their emails, but you’re better off looking at companies that are similar in size to your own or marketers who think and act as you do.

how to choose email marketing software

I’ll leave it for you to find out 😉 Still, you don’t really need to delve into top dogs. Which email vendor is fan-favorite Apple using? Or Richard Branson? Better yet, how about Cristiano Ronaldo? Ronaldo can do now wrong, right? He must have this ESP business pretty well figured out! Right? Right? Great news – your role model has done it already! Look at your hero company, the one that truly inspires you. So what are you going to do? Ask yourself this: what would your role model do? Google will tell you which vendors are the most popular and have the best SEO, word of mouth will tell you all about someone else’s particular groove, but hardly anyone will tell you the exact ESP that works best for you – and have the data to prove it. Which ESP are you going to pick from the lot? Which one fits your particular bill? If you’re just starting out or switching from your current vendor, the prospect is daunting ( lists a whopping 400 ESPs!). Welcome to a dizzying maelstrom of hundreds of players in email marketing.

how to choose email marketing software

Now try to do the same for email marketing providers. Welcome to a life of easy choices for all your snail-mailing needs. It just happens there aren’t that many postal services around. Was I too far off the mark? Probably not. Maybe you went with DHL, TNT, UPS and perhaps FedEx – or simply your own country’s main postal provider. “US Postal Service” on the other side of the pond.

how to choose email marketing software

Quick, what’s the first postal service that comes to your mind?

#How to choose email marketing software how to#

How to know which email marketing software a sender uses?īefore we get to that, first a pop quiz. So if you want to know which email marketing software and services they are using, figure it out in no time with this quick how-to guide that shows exactly what to look for. If you love how a business or celebrity handles their digital and email marketing, you may just fall head over heels for the email marketing service they use too.

How to choose email marketing software